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How To Deal With A Dental Emergency During COVID-19 Quarantine

A dental emergency is an unprecedented situation that can happen even during a quarantine. With most businesses closed, you’re maybe at loss on what to do and where to get help. You don’t need to endure the pain and attempt self-medication because dental practices are now open and equipped with safety measures in place such as face masks, PPE, and rigorous sanitation procedures.

How To Deal With A Dental Emergency During COVID-19 Quarantine

Here are the tips that you should consider before making any decisions. Every step you take away from home puts you into a higher risk of infection so being mindful is paramount at this point.

Is your condition considered a dental emergency?

Not all dental cases will be considered as urgent. That’s why it is important to know which dental condition needs immediate treatment. Here’s a brief list to classify where your condition belongs:

List of dental emergency cases

  • Severe toothache that lasted for two days
  • Pain and swelling caused by a dental abscess or bacterial infection
  • Loose tooth
  • Uncontrolled bleeding
  • Gum infection
  • Knocked-out tooth
  • Cracked or chipped tooth
  • Tooth fractures or a big part of the tooth is missing
  • Extreme pain due to severe cavities
  • Orthodontic appliances like braces that create open wounds in the mouth
  • Facial trauma in the mouth area that affects breathing

 List of dental non-emergency cases

Infection prevention and control

If your situation is considered as a dental emergency from the list above, try doing these steps while you contact your dentist.

Severe toothache

Toothaches are sometimes caused by food build-up between teeth and poor dental hygiene. Try flossing and gargling warm salt water. If the severe pain persists, call an emergency dentist right away.

Knocked-out teeth

This type of dental emergency needs the intervention of a dentist as soon as possible to save your natural tooth. Hold your tooth by the crown or the visible part of the teeth and not on its roots or the part attached to the gums to prevent further damage. Rinse it and place it back in its socket or wrap it in clean gauze and put it in a glass of milk to keep it moist.


Swelling may occur due to various reasons. Before heading to the dentist, rinse your mouth with warm water or saltwater, and use a cold compress to manage the pain.

Chipped or cracked tooth

Bit the wrong popcorn kernel? Pick up the crushed pieces of your tooth and keep it submerged in milk. Apply sanitized gauze to control the bleeding and place a cold compress for the pain. Then,  schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible.

Call your local dentist and schedule an appointment immediately

A dental emergency needs immediate treatment and you should never hesitate to call during out-of-office hours. Dentists have provided a modified approach to emergency consultation and treatments through the following:


Teledentistry is a remote approach for dentists to diagnose, evaluate, and monitor your dental condition at home. It’s the process where they’ll provide crucial steps to keep bigger risks at bay before you get your treatment.

Dental visits during the quarantine

Local dental practices have COVID-19 protocols to ensure your safety. Patients must follow procedures like wearing a face mask upon arrival and disclosing their vital signs if they have a fever or cough.

Dr. Roy Jennings Dentistry can help with your urgent dental emergency

If you’re having a dental emergency within Monroe, Dr. Roy Jennings Dentistry got you covered. Let us help you by contacting us for more information about your dental concern.

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