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Helpful Tips On How To Save On Dental Costs

Helpful Tips On How To Save On Dental Costs

Dental cost is one of the reasons why some patients neglect or delay going to the dentist. According to ORC International, around 80% of Americans are delaying their dental care due to cost. However, the downside of delaying your dental treatments can lead to a more serious health problem in the long run. 

Investing in your oral care can already be considered as a financial gain by keeping expensive dental treatments at bay. In this post, we’ll share some tips on how and where you can spend less on dental costs.   

1. Find affordable dental services

Dental practices charge for treatments differently. However, some patients have developed the fear of dental costs due to bad experiences from their previous dental procedure. Our team believes that dental costs should not hinder you from prioritizing your oral health. Here is our take on some of the common questions about affordable dental care: 

  • Where to get affordable dental work done?

    Local independent dental practices, like Dr. Roy Jennings Dentistry, offers affordable dental care to match the local dentistry market. Patients can also leverage discounts from government dental coverage like Medicare, Medicaid, and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

  • What to do if I can’t afford a dentist?

    Patients can get bigger discounts on dental services offered in public dental centers such as:
    • Community health departments
    • Dental schools
    • Oral health missions
    • Non-profit dental clinics

2. Maximize your dental benefits and Flexible spending accounts (FSAs)

Company-provided dental benefits and FSAs are often underused until they expire at the end of the year. If your employer can’t provide enough information about your coverage, you may directly call your insurance provider to learn more about your insurance policy. Dental plans are usually valid for one year, so make sure to maximize your dental benefits before they go to waste. 

3. Get a dental membership from your local dentist

Most dental practices today provide in-house membership dental plans for their patients. These dental plans are offered in monthly premiums or a one-time annual fee. The best features of these dental plans include:

  • Free consultations
  • No annual maximum and deductible policies
  • No required pre-authorization requirements 
  • No pre-existing condition limitations
  • No more eligibility requirements

4. Prioritize prevention and visit a dentist regularly

Save yourself from the risks of oral disease and expensive dental procedures by focusing on prevention. Keep an oral care routine and Invest in preventive dental services by visiting your dentist twice a year. 

Experience affordable and high-quality dental care at Dr. Roy Jennings Dentistry

Make your oral health a priority without putting a hole in your wallet. Dr. Roy Jennings Dentistry is a top-rated local dentist in Monroe that offers affordable dental services including:

Healthy teeth and gums are not only good for your overall health but also good for your wallet. Your choices on oral hygiene today will determine your dental costs in the coming years. Schedule an appointment now and achieve a brighter smile at an affordable cost. 

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