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How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

If someone tells you about the benefits of dental crowns, it’s natural to be curious about their durability. Due to its cost, you might want to make sure that your dental crown is worth the investment and can last for a long time.

In this post, we will share how long dental crowns can last. We will also discuss the factors that can shorten their lifespan. 

Role of dental crowns on your teeth

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that covers your damaged tooth. It helps protect a weak tooth due to an injury or dental condition from falling apart. Your dentist may recommend a crown if your tooth is damaged due to the following dental conditions:

  • Cracked tooth
  • Severely damaged tooth due to tooth decay
  • Worn down tooth due to bruxism
  • Misshapen tooth
  • Severe tooth discoloration

Aside from protecting the damaged tooth, it also supports other dental treatments like dental implants and dental bridges. You can choose the type of crown that will cover your weak tooth. However, the specific type of crown suitable for you will depend on the location of the damaged tooth. 

Porcelain crowns are most suitable for covering damaged front teeth, while metal or composite resin is best for treating molars due to their durability.

How long do dental crowns last?

The average lifespan of dental crowns is 5 to 15 years. Unlike our natural teeth, crowns do not decay. However, they are not exempted from the wear and tear resulting from chewing and biting. With good oral hygiene and visiting your dentist regularly, you can prolong the life of your crowns. 

Factors that can affect the lifespan of dental crowns

Like other dental appliances, crowns can also be damaged. Here are the common causes of damaged dental crowns:

  • Dental crown material:  Sometimes, practicing proper oral hygiene habits and taking good care of your oral health will not prevent your crown from breaking if the crown itself becomes the problem. Your dental crown can still be damaged due to the poor quality of the material used. 
  • Status of the tooth underneath the dental crown: Contrary to popular belief, your tooth under a crown can still get cavities. If the gum around the crown recedes or the crown does not fit snugly to the gum, the bacteria can still seep through the gap and damage your weak tooth. This can result in tooth decay and potentially a tooth infection.

    If the tooth lacks enough bone support, the crown may not provide its expected protection over your weak tooth. 
  • Tooth damaging habits: Materials used for building crowns can also show wear and tear over time. If you use your teeth as a tool in biting fingernails or open bottles, you’re putting your crowns at risk for breakage. 

Clenching or grinding your teeth can also speed up the amount of wear and tear of your dental crown.

Considering getting a dental crown? Schedule an appointment now

Protect your damaged natural tooth with quality dental crowns in Monroe. Our team at Dr. Roy Jennings Dentistry will help you choose the best material for your dental crowns to ensure their durability and longevity. Schedule an appointment now and learn more about crowns from the dental experts that you can trust. 

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