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Cosmetic Dentistry Isn’t Just About A Beautiful Smile

Cosmetic dentistry isn’t just about a beautiful smile

Fixing dental flaws with cosmetic dentistry is one of the most effective ways of achieving the beautiful smiles you see in Hollywood and magazines.

But cosmetic dentistry does more than just allow you to share beautiful smiles with your dazzling pearly whites. Beyond giving you a pleasing smile, you also add some boost to your self-esteem. 

The Goal of Cosmetic Dentistry

Dental imperfections can make you feel insecure about yourself. It affects your self-esteem and also your relationship with others. 

The goal of cosmetic dentistry is to help you achieve a balanced healthy smile.  But it goes beyond just smiles. The form and function of your teeth, face, speech, and entire oral health are important for cosmetic dentistry. 

It doesn’t matter the level of your dental flaws. Cosmetic dentistry is always around to restore radiance to your smile.

Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry Go Beyond Looks

Cosmetic dentistry does more than enhance the appearance of the teeth. Here are the benefits of cosmetic dentistry beyond just looks.

Better Form & Function

A missing tooth alone affects more than just the appearance of your smile. Your speech function, bite force, and even the shape of your face are affected. 

Cosmetic dental procedures help restore function to the face, teeth, and mouth in many ways. Braces help correct dental misalignments. Dental veneers are available for chipped, cracked teeth.

Additionally, if you desire a certain type of smile, bite function, or change to your facial appearance, cosmetic dentistry effectively delivers that. Hence, you’re not just restoring your smile. You’re restoring functionality, harmony, and balance to your face.

Boosted Self-Esteem

Possibly, you’ve suspected that people aren’t looking you directly in the eye when you talk. When you look deeper, their gazes are pointed directly downward – at your teeth. This makes you feel self-conscious. 

It reminds you of your discolored teeth or maybe the one or more missing teeth in the front of your mouth. Obviously, this can take a toll on one’s confidence and the ability for free self-expression. One of the goals of cosmetic dentistry is to restore your confidence. 

Professional teeth whitening, for instance, easily restores your shine in the safest way. Tooth replacement with dental implants feels and looks just like natural teeth and can last for years due to their stability. 

No matter what teeth condition is causing you to be too self-conscious about yourself, there are available cosmetic dental restoration procedures to achieve a more youthful and balanced smile.

Straightened Teeth

What comes to mind when you think of dental procedures for correcting misaligned teeth?. Braces? Well, you may be ill-informed if braces alone come to your mind. Cosmetic dentistry has seen a rise in improvements with correcting misaligned teeth. 

Although braces are good and still work, there are now better and more sophisticated aligners

Additionally, certain procedures straighten your teeth while correcting multiple problems at the same time. Veneers, for instance, can effectively fix large gaps between teeth and fix overbites as well.

Happier, More Youthful Appearance

It is a common thing to separate the mouth from the body when thinking about aging. However, the way our jaws and our teeth come together has a significant impact on our appearance. 

A missing tooth, for instance, affects the development of the face due to deteriorating underlying jaw bone. This gives rise to a sunken appearance that is characteristic of old age. Cosmetic dentistry can help to coordinate the structures of the face and restore one’s appearance. 

Prevents Serious Issues

A lot of things can go wrong if dental flaws are not fixed. For instance, a missing tooth can be responsible for more missing teeth when other teeth start collapsing into the empty space. 

Hence, cosmetic dentistry for a beautiful smile aims to achieve functionality in the face and prevent more serious issues from springing up in the future.

At Dr. Roy. D Jennings Dentistry, we use the latest modern technology to restore function and aesthetics to your smile. Schedule an appointment to discuss how you can get a beautiful smile with cosmetic dental procedures in Monroe, NC.


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