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Your Tongue May Be the Cause of Your Bad Breath

When it comes to battling your bad breath, everyone wants to know what they can do to solve the issue. First, finding the cause of your bad breath is recommended. This is how you’re going to know what you need to do in order to remove the bad breath and feel a bit more confident when you speak with people. The professionals at Dr. Roy D. Jennings Dentistry know that sometimes it can be your tongue that is causing the bad breath to happen.

Your Bad Breath Might Be Due to Your Tongue

Your Tongue May Be the Cause of Your Bad BreathWhen it comes to bad breath, a lot of people think they might have some sort of bacteria on their teeth or gums. They might even think that their mouth is dry and just needs to be hydrated. These things are common reasons to have bad breath, but there are other reasons to be aware of, as well.

When the tongue is not brushed, it can hold a lot of bacteria that is usually missed when brushing your teeth. This is something that will hold onto the smell and sometimes even growth that is white can appear as a film on the top of the tongue.

When the mouth is completely washed out, mouth wash is used and other steps are taken, the mouth can be cleaned completely, reducing the chances of having bad breath.

Proper Oral Hygiene is Needed

Speak with the professionals at Dr. Roy D. Jennings Dentistry in Monroe, North Carolina to find out the best way for them to go about giving the best oral hygiene help that is required. They can be there when you need them to be. All you need to do is give the office a call and have them set up an appointment for you to come in for a cleaning and check up.

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