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Can you replace toothpaste with mouthwash?


Did you know that the fresh, cool, tingly mouth feeling that you get after using mouthwash does not actually indicate that your teeth and mouth are clean? Although fluoride mouthwash can help prevent cavities, they will not in any way help you with the removal of plaque from your teeth. 


No matter how much or how often you swish the mouthwash around inside of your mouth, it will not remove the plaque from your teeth.


Can You Remove Plaque with Mouthwash Alone?


Plaque is a bacteria coating that may build up on your teeth not only throughout the day but also at night while you are asleep. Improper brushing techniques or a lack of toothbrushing activity may cause a larger build up of plaque on your teeth which can have extremely negative effects on your overall oral health.


If left alone and unbrushed, the plaque on your teeth may even lead to decaying teeth, bad smelling breath, and even gingivitis. These are all reasons why it is critically important to brush your teeth daily, although it is recommended that you brush your teeth twice a day and with the proper brushing technique.


When used by itself, neither toothpaste or mouthwash will be able to help you deal with the negative effects that plaque may have on your teeth. This is simply because neither toothpaste or mouthwash can even get the plaque off of your teeth when used as your only tooth cleaning product or device. 


If used alone they may help to strengthen your teeth and help to prevent tooth decay from the plaque that has been building up so easily. However, they will not be able to aid you in the actual removal of the plaque that is already on your teeth and causing the damage to them.


Toothbrush, Floss, and Mouthwash Combo


To keep your mouth healthy and your smile in excellent condition it is recommended you use floss and a soft-bristled toothbrush combined with a fluoride toothpaste and fluoride mouthwash. Fluoride helps your teeth by restoring lost minerals to them. 


These lost minerals may be a result of acid from the food you have eaten, beverages you have drunk and the plaque on your teeth. Toothpaste and mouthwashes that contain fluoride will help you in the fight to prevent tooth decay, while also helping by strengthening your teeth.


Many problems may come from not cleaning your teeth and removing the plaque off of them daily. Cavities, gum disease, bad breath, gingivitis, and tooth decay are all possible results that may come as a result of not brushing your teeth daily and not removing the plaque from off of them. The plaque on our teeth is a bacteria and it is also very sticky. 


This is another reason why simply swishing with fluoride mouthwash will not be able to remove the plaque buildup from your teeth. This plaque bacteria being so sticky to our teeth is what makes it difficult to remove without the correct toothbrush and toothpaste.


Consult your dentist about a toothpaste and mouthwash combination containing fluoride that will work for you. Schedule an appointment with our dental office in Monroe, NC today!

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